Special Purchases
In-Stock Merchandise & Online Catalog Orders
We are pleased to offer a variety of urns and memorial products to meet your needs. We have many unique urns and memorial items, including cremation jewelry and keychains, on display in our office. You are welcome to make an appointment to come in and view items on display and in stock.
We are now excited to offer you the opportunity to select urns and memorial items for your pet at your leisure by shopping online through our partnership with Forever Pets. The personalized Pee Dee Pet Cremation catalog may be accessed here:
Keep this information in mind when ordering online:
Remember to proofread and doublecheck your dates, wording, and spelling when you are ordering personalized items.
Have your items shipped to Pee Dee Pet Cremation if you would like for us to transfer your pet’s remains. Our shipping address is 115 E. Smith Avenue, #1261, Darlington, South Carolina 29540. Make sure that you send us a text to let us know that you have a product on the way!
It takes additional time to receive ordered and personalized items. Most are received within 10 to 14 days. Please keep this in mind, as it will impact the time in which your pet is returned to your care.
Many urns are sized by cubic inches and you will need one cubic inch for each pound that your pet weighs. It is always better to select a larger size urn if you are in doubt about what size urn to order. For example, a 30 cubic inch urn will accommodate a pet that weighs up to 30 pounds. If your pet weighs 33 pounds, you may be able to use a 30 cubic inch urn but it is better to order the larger size to make sure that it will accommodate all of your pet’s remains.
Pee Dee Pet Cremation
Standard Pet Urn
The Pee Dee Pet Cremation standard urn, a tin black and white paw print urn, is included in the price of cremation services.
Your pet’s remains are placed in a bag within this urn and the size of the urn depends upon the size of your pet.
Many pet families choose to purchase one or more memorial plates to add to this urn with the name of their pet, significant dates, and phrases.
Each plate is 2 inches by 2 inches and is brushed silver with black writing.
Memorial plates may be placed on the sides or top of the urn.
Ordering memorial plates for urns delay the time that it takes to return your pet to your care by approximately a week.
The cost of each memorial plate is $25.00 plus tax ($27.00 including tax).
To order, please click the link below to send us an email message with the name of your pet and the information that you would like included on the plate. Please review carefully to make sure that the information is correct before placing your order.
Pee Dee Pet Cremation Standard Pet Urn